Q & A with Hermine Warren

What's your favorite procedure and why? 

Through Dr. Hermine Warren’s extensive training and background, her favorite procedures are dermal fillers and Sculptra. “With either dermal fillers or with Sculptra, I really love the revolumization of a face. To me, there is nothing as exciting as seeing a patient's reaction to their after appearance when you have made them look their best self.”  

What advice would you give an injector just starting out? 

Personally, Dr. Hermine Warren advises new injectors to not be swayed by social media and to steer the course carefully and intentionally. 

Professionally, Dr. Hermine Warren advises new injectors to only do advanced procedures once foundational or preliminary procedures have been mastered. To master foundational and preliminary procedures, she recommends cadaver workshops. “I particularly like the one that I'm involved with at the Academy for Injection Anatomy (AIA) with Dr. Chris Surek. But I think it's really important to know the anatomy,” she says, adding “It will help a new injector have a better understanding of the face and to avoid the landmines (critical areas that are on the face and should not be injected).” 

How can injectors retain patients and ensure that they return? 

Active listening, being your own authentic self as a provider, and providing VIP treatment to each patient are necessary for retention. Particularly, Dr. Hermine Warren highlights active listening as crucial to retaining patients. “I think active listening is critical — not to just walk into a room and barrage a patient with what you think they need to know, but to listen to what a patient needs to know,” she shares. “By actively listening to what a patient needs to know, you as a provider will effectively help them to understand the process and that you will be there before the treatment, during the treatment, and after the treatment.” Implementing these suggestions can create trust and improve the patient care experience, resulting in long-term retention. 

 What's your best patient care advice? 

Communication and authenticity are critical to patient care. Specifically, in addition to before and during procedures, it is important to prioritize communicating with patients post-procedure. “In the nearly 18 years that I've been practicing, I always communicate with my patients via text or phone call the day after their procedure,” she says, adding “Patients notoriously are sometimes shy to tell you that something is wrong, or they are not even aware that something is wrong”. Dr. Hermine Warren says that communicating with your patient can provide you with more information, help prevent negative outcomes, and express your sincerity as a provider. 

 How do you find work life balance? 

Finding work life balance is dependent upon how much free time is available for each individual. “Whether a person is self-employed, an employee, or a freelancer will tell you a lot about what kind of free time they have, or they don't have,” she says. However, Dr. Hermine Warren also shares that it is critical to draw boundaries and connect with family as well as yourself. “You have to make sure that you use free time to communicate with yourself and to communicate with those that you love. Colleagues may come and go, but your family is really critical.” 

 What is your favorite thing to do to relax? 

Make sure you make time for yourself.

Enjoying interests and hobbies can promote wellness and expose you to a wide range of benefits. For example, both reading and hiking enhance cognitive function. Further, your hobbies and interests can bring a wave of creativity and a fresh frame of mind to the table when returning to your professional responsibilities. Interests and hobbies can help you to gain a new perspective, better connect with yourself, and connect with other like-minded individuals.  

What is a guilty pleasure of yours? 

Dr. Hermine Warren tells Mizzi that her guilty pleasure is shopping. 

We are grateful to Dr. Hermine Warren for sharing her wisdom and insight with us and for being an inspiration to others.


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Conscious Care: Applying The L.I.P. Paradigm™️