Blue Tansy: A Tiny Flower Packed With Muscle & Power™️

When it comes to exotic plants, Blue Tansy is not just another pretty face.

Did you know that Blue Tansy (Tanacetum Annuum), is a wild harvested, Mediterranean plant with gentle, sweet, yellow flowers, cultivated mainly in Morocco and heralded as one of the best ingredients in calming and soothing irritated skin? (Healthline, Sept. 2019). It’s often referred to as “Moroccan Chamomile”, brimming with anti-oxidants that reduce heat on the skin & decrease sensitivity. Another great bonus? It’s not JUST for troubled, problematic or damaged skin. On the contrary: it’s suitable for all skin types and packs some serious muscle when it comes to boosting complexion radiance. (, 2017)

Its essential oil is sweetly fragrant, and when the soft flower is steam- distilled, it turns a lovely shade of cerulean blue ~ a deep, serene indigo, showcasing magnificently, two primary components, Sabinene & Camphor, both of which are credited with anti-inflammatory power.

Did you also know that the majority of products in our amazing Uplift line contain Blue Tansy as a primary ingredient to optimize best results from a clinical and/or medical spa procedure? Mizzi RX Uplift products mitigate bruising, decrease swelling and irritation, accelerate healing and thus increase your happiness quotient as an added bonus!

We LOVE our Blue, and know that its anti-inflammatory properties increase the comfort level & calm of your skin, and increase the longevity of your results —all of which equal a healthier and more satisfied YOU.

True story, friends: 40 Aprons calls Blue Tansy “the best skincare oil you never knew you needed”.

SOOOOOO, what’s all the fuss? Why the exotic descriptions and boujie tales? Is it the superhero skin health experts claim it to be? How effective is it, really? And why is it needed after a procedure, if the procedure ITSELF is going to yield highly sought after results?

Let’s think about a procedure as a significant investment of time, research, energy and money, which ideally enables one to access the best possible results afterwards. The “finale”, or perhaps the “encore” of said procedure—like the fabulous icing on a beautiful, celebratory cake, needs to supplement, then secure all the pre-procedure steps, and the actual service itself—such that one gains the benefit of care that will actually extend the results of the work. Why NOT heal skin more effectively, reduce redness and peeling, return to a daily routine more easily, and with the least amount of stress and irritation to both skin and lifestyle?

Blue Tansy absolutely does all of the above, and hits the skin-healing home-run, out of the park. It restores. It rejuvenates. It IS all it shows up to be.

What’s not to love about Blue Tansy, Wonder -Woman power for post-procedure life? Pure and simple. Let’s go Blue!!


Catch Your Breath~Mizzi Mindset™️


Practicing Gratitude & Observing Calm